
Wetlands Improve Water Quality By


One of the about important functions of wetlands is the ability to purify water and preserve water quality. Despite the integral role of wetlands in maintaining healthy ecosystems, they continue to be at risk of impacts by development, lack of legal protections, pollution, and the negative influences of climate alter.  Wetlands provide numerous ecosystem services; one of which being their ability to amend h2o quality and help in maintaining h2o quantity. These critical services are only expected to become more important every bit freshwater becomes an increasingly limited resource.  It is therefore imperative that efforts are taken to preserve and restore our nation's wetlands in order to retain our natural good for you waterways.

Problem Argument: Threats to Wetland H2o Quality Function

The capacity of wetlands to maintain and improve water quality is dependent upon the protection and restoration of good for you, performance wetlands. Historically, wetlands were largely considered wastelands, responsible for pests and diseases. Many wetlands were drained to encourage settlement and brand way for agriculture and silviculture. Today, extensive country development and a high per centum of impervious surfaces have significantly impacted wetlands' natural water flows, nutrient balance, and biodiversity (US EPA, 2020). Extreme events including droughts, hurricanes, and catastrophic wildfires threaten the health of wetlands. The many benefits maintained by riparian and coastal wetlands make their protection imperative, nevertheless the historical degradation and current and projected threats to these habitats put them at risk.

Groundwork: Wetland Water Quality Function

Wetlands that have mural positions straight side by side to rivers and streams or coastlines are very important for protecting h2o quality. Riparian wetlands like headwater forests, riverine swamps, or bottomland hardwoods forests, are extremely important for protecting the water quality of watershed stream systems.

Riverine Wetlands along the Lockwood Folly River, Brunswick County

Headwater forests are continued to small-scale offset order streams, the small streams located in the upper reaches of watersheds, and thus have a strong affect on the health of streams and rivers lower in the watershed.  Riverine swamps and bottomland forests buffer larger creeks and rivers lower in the watershed. These wetlands serve to attenuate and filter sediment and nutrient runoff and provide both h2o quality and biodiversity services (Rashleigh and Keith, 2010). Water draining from rural or urban uplands must pass through riparian zones to reach a stream (Evans et al. 1996). During the journey, chemical, concrete, and biological processes occur, improving the quality of the water earlier it reaches the stream (Evans et al. 1996).

Figure ane illustrates how healthy wetlands office across the landscape. Chemicals and nutrients establish in runoff are trapped and processed past sediment and vegetation in the wetlands. Nitrogen, phosphorous, and heavy metals found in both urban and agriculture nonpoint source pollution are captured, processed, and stored in wetland soils and plant growth in healthy functioning wetlands. Riparian wetlands as well remove harmful bacteria, suspended materials, and pathogens from water prior to that h2o inbound the stream environment (Klapproth and Johnson, 2009). In addition, a healthy network of wetlands is capable of decreasing flooding downstream as the wetlands retain pregnant amounts of water.  Biodiversity, water clarity and public wellness are all benefitted through healthy riparian wetlands.

Effigy one. Wetlands better water quality, soil water, and provide critical wildlife habitat across a landscape (provided curtesy of

Coastal wetlands provide numerous ecosystem services, including water filtration, flood command and coastal protection.  Coastal wetlands contribute to healthy oceans and productive coastal regions. These services have quantifiable directly and indirect impacts to water quality.  Tidal marshes, estuaries and mangroves recharge groundwater supplies, filter sediment, remove contaminants, and as well serve as nurseries and critical feeding and resting grounds for migratory species (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005).

Wetlands are likewise extremely of import to mitigate the affects of hurricanes and astringent flooding past protecting coastlines and absorbing floodwaters along rivers. During tempest events, wetlands slow downward soil erosion by reducing the speed of h2o that passes through them (NC DWR, 2018).

Solution: Wetland Protection and Restoration

The best way to protect and improve the valuable h2o quality functions wetlands provide for watersheds in the Carolinas is to detect opportunities for wetland restoration and preservation. Prioritizing wetland protection or restoration of riparian or coastal wetlands will help protect waterways from urban and rural stormwater runoff. Other ways of increasing wetland water quality function also include improving federal, state, and local legal protections for wetlands.


Wetlands play a critical role in protecting and enhancing water quality.  Wetlands simply defined are areas of our landscape that are inundated past water either seasonably or permanently. Due to the unique intersection of state and water, wetlands serve an array of environmental services including water filtration, storage, and purification. The valuable ecosystem functions provided by wetlands such as sediment and nutrient retention and flood command directly and indirectly impact water quality. Riparian and coastal wetlands are extremely important in protecting and enhancing water quality as they ofttimes are a final barrier between a pollutant source and a h2o trunk. Wetlands provide the opportunity for water to exist filtered past soil, microbes and wetland plants to remove pollutants naturally.

Restored Carolina Bay, Craven County

myriad of important ecosystem services provided past wetlands, including h2o quality protection and comeback, are put at hazard equally development and pollution continue to interlope on our valuable wetlands. Make clean and safety water is imperative to the overall health of both our ecosystems and our communities Water quality and quantity, human health, and biodiversity all depend on preserving and restoring healthy and operation wetlands.


Evans, R., J.West. Gilliam, J. P. Lilly. 1996. Wetlands and Water Quality. North Carolina Cooperation Extension Service.

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) Ecosystems and Human Well Being: Synthesis. Isle Printing, Washington DC.

Klapproth, J. C, J. E Johnson. 2009. Virginia Cooperative Extension. Understanding the Scientific discipline    Backside Riparian Forest Buffers: Effects on H2o Quality.

N Carolina Division of Water Resources. 2018. NC Wetlands. Retrieved from

Rashleigh, B., and D. Keith. 2010. Ecosystem Services Research Program (ESRP) Albemarle-ninety Pamlico Watershed and Estuary Written report (APWES) Research Program. Office of Research and Development, National Exposure Enquiry Laboratory, Ecosystems Research Division,  Athens, GA 30605.

U.s. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2020. Growth and Water Resources.   

Wetlands Improve Water Quality By,


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